Saturday 20 December 2014

Song Change

Due to copyright issues and audience feedback, we have decided to change our song. We had realised that the song we were originally going to use was, 'Lil Kay ft Lady Gaga - Applause' but due to copyright laws, we aren't allowed to use Lady Gaga's chorous in the song without full consent/permission from the idol herself, or her management team. Also from our feedback we had found out that modern UK rap had evolved and the audience preferred a more sing song rap song, that they can dance too as well as rap along to. Due to this we had to change the approach of our video, through song choice. We decided to change the song to a more up beat, excited song. It is called 'Money Flows' which our target audience took a real liking too.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Thursday 13 November 2014

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Digi Pack Mock Up

Lauren: I really like the overall look of this digi pack as it looks professional, consistent and colourful; something that would appeal to me in a music store. The main improvements I would make are the blue lines that are on each page, they seem out of place. Other than that a 4/5!
Ella: This CD package is great! It is colourful, bold, realistic and has most of the CD cover conventions. I don't like the same use of the artist on 2 of the pages as it gets a bit boring. I would rate this a 4.5/5.
Amil: This is an edgy digi pack which is nice to see as lately all I see are plain and simple ones! I like the use of the diamonds overlaid on the artist. It adds a nice effect. I don't like CD slot design as it doesn't look professionally done. I would give this a 3/5!

After receiving this feedback, I agreed with most of the comments as this is a mock up, there is plenty of time to make improvements as well as gain more skills on the software. I would give this mock up a 4/5 as the overall look displays all the conventions making it look like an actual digi pack however a few details are missing.
- Hussein

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Moodboard: Website

Copyright permission

Due to me and my group deciding on using a remixed song, we have asked permission from the copyright owners to use the selected tune through an email. An brief explanation of what we're going to do was given and we re-assured them that their video will not be tarnished in any way.

 - Ryco

Saturday 1 November 2014



Thursday 30 October 2014

Genre Research - TOP 3

RnB, also known as R&B,  modernly stands for rhythm and base! RnB was originally founded in the 1940s, in the united states, which was originally called Rhythm and blues. Since then it has gone under many changes hence the modern name Rhythm and base. RnB is primarily from a black origin however modern day RnB is widely listend to and performed by many different races.
RnB is a global

Some of the first RnB artist and albums were:

  • Ray Charles - Singular Genius
  • James Brown - Sex Machine
  • B.B King - Live at the Regal
  • Bo Diddley - Bo Diddley's Beach party
  • Ike Turner
  • Stevie Wonder - The Definitive Collection
RnB dominate the world today, in terms of most successful genres.

Some of the best RnB stars of today are:
  • Chris Brown
  • Rihanna
  • Chari XCX
  • David Huetta

Rapping has many names for it, MCing, spitting bars, rhyming and even as far as poetry but it is generally known as rapping. Rap is a spoken or chanted rhyming of lyric, it is known as word poetry that is performed over a musical instrumental or beat . They're many different components of raps but the most important and highly targeted are content of the rap, the combining flow of rhythm and rhyme and the delivery. Rap music allowed many sub genres to be created such as Hip Hop music. The first sign of rap was dated back in 1920s and 30s. Some of the greatest rap artist of today are:
  • LL Cool J
  • Run DMC
  • Russell Simons
  • Slick Rick
  • Salt 'n' Pepper
Rap is also very successful in this modern age. Today Rap is recognised to be one of the best genre's of music around and very popular to learn and perform. Many people in the world study, learn and practice this genre in order to become the best at it. This is then performed to an audience for entertainment. The growing use of web 2.0 in the modern era, creates a platform for individuals to deploy their 'rap' talent, to the intended audience. This genre has become so big that both genre's have taken up the learning 'rap', with newly found superstar 'Nicki Minaj' being seen as inspiration after being signed by a massive record label (Young Money).
Some of the best rappers of today are:
  • Kanye West
  • 2 Chainz
  • Mac Miller
  • Drake
  • Nicki Minaj

Rock (Rock and Roll):
What is commonly known today as Rock music was preferred as 'Rock and Roll' back when it was originated in the late 1940s, early 1950s. Rock music was a combination of blues music, jazz music, gospel music, western swing and country music. When Rock and Roll was first originated it was known that Rock and Roll. When Rock and Roll was first created, piano and saxophone were the lead instruments however very soon after that, guitar was introduced and took over. Now rock
and roll typical instrument include electric guitars (bass and rhythm) and a drum kit.
In the modern era, rock and roll has a specific audience, this is a huge genre however lacks diversity due to the type of sound rock and roll presents.

Some of todays best Rock artist consist ofl
  • Beck
  • Artic Monkeys
  • Rolling stones
  • Maroon 5


      Thursday 23 October 2014

      Deconstruction of Music Video, Digi Pak & Music Video

      Font choices

      When planning the designs for our digi-pak and website, we need to come up with a font for our text. This front has to be consistent throughout both products and each style had to be fairly similar to the other. Baring this in mind, I took it upon myself to research different font styles and typical fonts of already existing products, such as 'One Direction's website' and '50 Cents Digi-pak'. From the research that I carried out I came to the conclusion that Sans serif fonts are the very popular amongst websites and digi-paks and will cater to our products very well. I researched the most popular san serif fonts and asked my target audience which one they prefer, ultimately the most common one was 'IMPACT'. 

      Monday 20 October 2014

      Summary of audience thereoist & theories

      Richard Dyer: Summary of theory
      Richard Dyer argues that there’s a difference between a ‘Pop Star’ and a ‘Pop Performer’. Pop performer is a person or people that may or may not be famous or have a celebrity status/image but performs music. Pop Star is where an image is constructed to an audience
      ·       Industry and audiences
      Pop stars, in the industry are created, shaped and used to make money from the audience. This money is made from ownership parties e.g. record labels, management, representatives. An example would be shows such as ‘X factor’ or ‘American Idol’ where stars are re-created similarly to cater to the audiences. Market of audience may want something different in comparison to another market therefore an ownership party will need to ensure that they cater to all different audiences.
      ·       Ideology/Culture/Character/Personality

      Pop stars have cultural attitudes that the audience may also share, this creates a sense of familiarity. An example of this would be Selena Gomez wearing the purity ring. Also pop stars have the power to start fashion trends such as Rihanna’s red hair. Pop Star supports hegemony.

      Andrew Goodwin argues that they’re 5 key aspects of music videos:
      ·       Thought beats – Seeing the sound
      ·       Narrative and performance
      ·       The Star Image
      ·       Relation of visuals to Song
      ·       Technical Aspects of Music Video
      Goodwin splits the thought beats stage into three steps.
      First step is to focus on the structure of the song, for example the chorus.
      Secondly, take into account the artist(s) voice of the song. The voice would be unique and used as a form of identification that can relate back to the star image.
      Thirdly: the mode of the address. The narrative in the video can be interpreted as a story, leaving the artist to be the storyteller.
      Goodwin describes the songs as not fully producing the full narrative, he argues that the audience tend to create their own idea of what’s being portrayed.  Goodwins says that the narrative and performance need to work together in order to keep the audience interested.
      The star image is a very important in a music video as the star image is commonly portrayed through the music video. Star image has a very important part to play in the music video.
      Relation of visual to song, there are three ways that music videos work to promote a song. The most common way is to illustrate is when the video uses images to portray the meaning of song. Amplify is when the illustrations are repeated constantly through the video, so that it is cemented into the audiences mind.
      Technical Aspects is referring to the se of camera movement, angles, sounds, mise-en-scene, etc. This is essentially is the creation and maintenance of the music video.  The mise-en-scene enures the authentic look and make it look professional.

      Thursday 25 September 2014

      Target audience: Demongraphic/Psychographic

      Age - teens, 14 -18 years old
      Money income - Part time employment, up to £500 per month. Allowance from parents £20 per week.
      Location - United Kingdown based, preferably England.
      Race/Ethinicity - All races and ethinicty
      Education/Employment - Full time education; either secondary school, sixthform or college.
      Religion: Religion that isn't offended by any of the products.
      Language - English
      Marital Status: Girlfriend/Boyfriend

      Lifestyle: My target audience would be in full time education or some type of learning environment, e.g. apprenticeship or internships. This means that the majority of my target audience would be taking governemt exams (GCSE'S & A-Levels) and attending education between 2-5 days per week. At this age my audience would also be very socialable, therefore they would be doing many activities such as: shopping, restaraunts, social networking, cinemas, park, study groups, sports and most common, parties. Due to the advanced technology available, especially appealing to teens, they most likely have electronic devices such as: phones, tablets, laptops, audio devices (iPod, mp4).

      Attitudes/Behaviour - Teenagers are known to have a lot of freedom, due to the fact that they don't yet carry many serious responsibilities. This leads my target audience to have free mindset and act wildly. However with teenagers there is a elimant of determination, as some are trying to aspire into having a successful adulthood.

      Wednesday 17 September 2014

      Typical target audience: profile

      From the survey and results that I've done, I believe that for my production this will be my typical target audience that I will be aiming to appeal to. I can make this conclusion because I gathered up all the results from my survey and then averaged them out to identify my target audience and what a typical target audience would be.

      Tuesday 9 September 2014

      What is a pop video?

      A pop video is a short film that goes along to a song or songs. It is made to promote the songs as it is seen as a way to attract an audience, through imagery (visual).  Music videos originally came around when MTV first decided to base their format around the medium. Music videos use many visual graphic techniques forms such as animation, live, films, narrative and non narrative. The majority of music vidoes often use images and scenes that conform to the lyrics of the song, only rare occassions where they subvert. Some music videos share no concept and only are filmed based on performance.

      History of Music videos

      In 1894, publishers Edward B. Marks and Joe Stern hired various performers to put a series of still images together on a screen, simultaneously to live performances. These were known as 'illustrated song' which was a first step towards music video.
      Between 1926-1959, technology was starting to advance which lead to many musical short films being produced and consumed via things such as 'talkies'. The first ever music video, was supposedly shot in 1956 by Tony Bennet, with his song 'Stranger in paradise'. This was then followed up a sequal svideo, starring famously known Elvis Presley.  Music video became publicly known in 1980s!
      Majority of the videos were called promotional vdieos
      Most exspensive video was from Michael Jackson
      One of the first global major music videos came from Michael Jacksons in 1980s
      Tony Bennett claimed he made the first music video in 1956.

      One of the main and first major stars in the world is Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson is known worldwide for his crazy yet amazing pop video's songs in the late 1900s, early 2000s. Some of these songs include:
      • Got to be there (Which is known to be his first ever pop video) realeased in 1971
      • Thriller, which is a 13 minutes long pop video, one of the longest in history of pop videos. realeased in 1982.
      • Billie Jean, realeased also in 1982.
      • Black and White which was realeased in 1987.

      Summary of Key theories!

      Wednesday 25 June 2014

      Favourite Music Video

      My favourite music video is:

      Kid Cudi - Pursuit of happiness

      This is one of my favourite videos because of the visuals graphics that are used, excite me. The visual graphics used in this video aid the lyrics of the star and try to create a scene that relates to the song. In this video he has been portrayed has being drunk and intoxicated by drugs. This video has also been shown through his prospective despite the fact that he's being viewed by the camera. The fact that all the people in the video are moving in slow motion suggest that it is in the view of the rapper himself, in a drunken state,