Wednesday 12 November 2014

Digi Pack Mock Up

Lauren: I really like the overall look of this digi pack as it looks professional, consistent and colourful; something that would appeal to me in a music store. The main improvements I would make are the blue lines that are on each page, they seem out of place. Other than that a 4/5!
Ella: This CD package is great! It is colourful, bold, realistic and has most of the CD cover conventions. I don't like the same use of the artist on 2 of the pages as it gets a bit boring. I would rate this a 4.5/5.
Amil: This is an edgy digi pack which is nice to see as lately all I see are plain and simple ones! I like the use of the diamonds overlaid on the artist. It adds a nice effect. I don't like CD slot design as it doesn't look professionally done. I would give this a 3/5!

After receiving this feedback, I agreed with most of the comments as this is a mock up, there is plenty of time to make improvements as well as gain more skills on the software. I would give this mock up a 4/5 as the overall look displays all the conventions making it look like an actual digi pack however a few details are missing.
- Hussein

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