Thursday 25 September 2014

Target audience: Demongraphic/Psychographic

Age - teens, 14 -18 years old
Money income - Part time employment, up to £500 per month. Allowance from parents £20 per week.
Location - United Kingdown based, preferably England.
Race/Ethinicity - All races and ethinicty
Education/Employment - Full time education; either secondary school, sixthform or college.
Religion: Religion that isn't offended by any of the products.
Language - English
Marital Status: Girlfriend/Boyfriend

Lifestyle: My target audience would be in full time education or some type of learning environment, e.g. apprenticeship or internships. This means that the majority of my target audience would be taking governemt exams (GCSE'S & A-Levels) and attending education between 2-5 days per week. At this age my audience would also be very socialable, therefore they would be doing many activities such as: shopping, restaraunts, social networking, cinemas, park, study groups, sports and most common, parties. Due to the advanced technology available, especially appealing to teens, they most likely have electronic devices such as: phones, tablets, laptops, audio devices (iPod, mp4).

Attitudes/Behaviour - Teenagers are known to have a lot of freedom, due to the fact that they don't yet carry many serious responsibilities. This leads my target audience to have free mindset and act wildly. However with teenagers there is a elimant of determination, as some are trying to aspire into having a successful adulthood.

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