Thursday 25 September 2014

Target audience: Demongraphic/Psychographic

Age - teens, 14 -18 years old
Money income - Part time employment, up to £500 per month. Allowance from parents £20 per week.
Location - United Kingdown based, preferably England.
Race/Ethinicity - All races and ethinicty
Education/Employment - Full time education; either secondary school, sixthform or college.
Religion: Religion that isn't offended by any of the products.
Language - English
Marital Status: Girlfriend/Boyfriend

Lifestyle: My target audience would be in full time education or some type of learning environment, e.g. apprenticeship or internships. This means that the majority of my target audience would be taking governemt exams (GCSE'S & A-Levels) and attending education between 2-5 days per week. At this age my audience would also be very socialable, therefore they would be doing many activities such as: shopping, restaraunts, social networking, cinemas, park, study groups, sports and most common, parties. Due to the advanced technology available, especially appealing to teens, they most likely have electronic devices such as: phones, tablets, laptops, audio devices (iPod, mp4).

Attitudes/Behaviour - Teenagers are known to have a lot of freedom, due to the fact that they don't yet carry many serious responsibilities. This leads my target audience to have free mindset and act wildly. However with teenagers there is a elimant of determination, as some are trying to aspire into having a successful adulthood.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Typical target audience: profile

From the survey and results that I've done, I believe that for my production this will be my typical target audience that I will be aiming to appeal to. I can make this conclusion because I gathered up all the results from my survey and then averaged them out to identify my target audience and what a typical target audience would be.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

What is a pop video?

A pop video is a short film that goes along to a song or songs. It is made to promote the songs as it is seen as a way to attract an audience, through imagery (visual).  Music videos originally came around when MTV first decided to base their format around the medium. Music videos use many visual graphic techniques forms such as animation, live, films, narrative and non narrative. The majority of music vidoes often use images and scenes that conform to the lyrics of the song, only rare occassions where they subvert. Some music videos share no concept and only are filmed based on performance.

History of Music videos

In 1894, publishers Edward B. Marks and Joe Stern hired various performers to put a series of still images together on a screen, simultaneously to live performances. These were known as 'illustrated song' which was a first step towards music video.
Between 1926-1959, technology was starting to advance which lead to many musical short films being produced and consumed via things such as 'talkies'. The first ever music video, was supposedly shot in 1956 by Tony Bennet, with his song 'Stranger in paradise'. This was then followed up a sequal svideo, starring famously known Elvis Presley.  Music video became publicly known in 1980s!
Majority of the videos were called promotional vdieos
Most exspensive video was from Michael Jackson
One of the first global major music videos came from Michael Jacksons in 1980s
Tony Bennett claimed he made the first music video in 1956.

One of the main and first major stars in the world is Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson is known worldwide for his crazy yet amazing pop video's songs in the late 1900s, early 2000s. Some of these songs include:
  • Got to be there (Which is known to be his first ever pop video) realeased in 1971
  • Thriller, which is a 13 minutes long pop video, one of the longest in history of pop videos. realeased in 1982.
  • Billie Jean, realeased also in 1982.
  • Black and White which was realeased in 1987.

Summary of Key theories!