Thursday 19 March 2015

Digi Pak - Moodboard

I really like all of these album covers as they are bright, bold and colourful as well as being creative. This is not something that is usually portrayed from many artists as they usually focus mainly on the artist's face rather than the design. In addition to this, with the increase of consumers downloading songs online, they hardly see the album covers so many producers and record labels have shown to spend less time on the design.

However, these album covers are the complete opposite, it is clear that the designers behind these covers have thought about the artist, genre, target market and how to make the CD stand out. The most effective cover, to me, was the 'Nameless' cover as it incorporate a drawing as well as the use of digital design which is something I haven't seen before. I would like to include this feature and pitch the idea of using hand drawn elements in the Digi-pack.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Organising/Planning - filming

One of my close friends was celebrating his 18th birthday, by hosting a party. Knowing this, I used this opportunity to gain footage for my video. This is because a party scene would fit the genre of my video very well. It also links with the song and the typical convention of a rapper. Parties link to the characteristics of the chosen artist (Lil Kay).

After gaining permission from the host to film, I then asked if it was ok if I brought my friend along with me as he was helping me film by carrying the equipment, driving, etc. He was also my co-director.